Lessons from a Root Canal


What do a root-canal and your business have in common?


Thankfully, it’s not every day, every month, not even every year we are confronted with having to have a root canal, like I just did last week. However, the visual and real pain associated with it, turns out to be something quite common when you own a business and it happens more often than a root-canal will.

You will find that there are certain areas that are quietly “bleeding” out from your business, causing much harm to your ability to make money, and bottom line success….and you won’t know it until it becomes an abscess, or the pain is so excruciating that you can’t believe what has happened.

Can it be prevented? Yes, Absolutely!

How? Just like a root-canal, get an x-ray of your business as a whole, then pick apart the areas where a small bleeding or abscess might have started to form.

Do this on a routine basis (every 3 to 6 months is recommended) and soon you will have a very clear picture of your own “Financial Overview”. Enlist the help of your dream team or your board of directors, and if you don’t have one, it’s crucial that create one or both.

Talk to your C.P.A, or your Financial Advisor, sometimes even your Banker can be of help, and of course, your very own coach and mentor is key in the wellness of your business. They are the x-ray to what could turn out to be a possible business abscess ending in root-canal.

Look at your business, sales, and marketing plans often, to avoid the pain that comes from the alternative. You are in business to make money, don’t ignore the signs that can really hurt you in the long run.

Be litigious, be consistent, be curious, and by all means….give a damn.

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